Thursday, January 7, 2010

Stanley Burroughs and "The Master Cleanse"

Stanley Burroughs: The Guy Who Came Up With the Crazy The Lemonade Diet

Stanley Burroughs wrote the book "The Master Cleanse" which was originally distributed in the 1950's. He was born in 1903 and grew up in New York and Michigan. He was married and divorced a few times, had a few kids and moved around quite a bit. While he was once a part of the lumber industry, he discovered naturalistic healing and promoted several alternative health options.

Link to the free 30 page book "The Master Cleanse" by Stanley Burroughs

Review of e-book: Here's What Made Sense to Me
First of all, it starts out with a lot of talk about enlightenment and spiritual matters. I am not as interested in this aspect of the cleanse. I skipped these sections. Chapter 1 outlines the history of the master cleanse and a letter from a woman who tried it.

The section on "epidemics and germ-caused diseases" argues that while modern medicine creates ways to kill germs in order to keep us alive, our bodies are filled with toxins that we should also be focussed on "killing." The article continues by stating that the body stores "unusable and accumulated waste" that needs to be elimiated -- before it kills us. It also implies that there are "good" germs and "bad" germs and we want to make sure that we don't accidentally remove the "good" germs from our bodies, because they won't be able to fight off the "bad" germs.

In discussion of the "purpose" of the lemonade diet, I was glad to see that it helped with kidney cleansing, gland a cell cleansing, helped eliminate waste in joints and muscles, helped improve capabilities of neurons, veins and arteries and helped build a health bloodstream.

The book suggests that this diet is best for people with chronic conditions, obesity and digestive problems. It suggests doing the diet for no fewer than 10 days but no more than 40 days. It then gives explicit instructions for the recipe, how much and how often to drink, how to break the lemonade diet, etc. (I'll let you get those details from the text)

The following lines stuck with me:
  1. "Cleansing is basic for elimination of every kind of disease." pg. 2
  2. "Missing a meal won't hurt!" pg. 4
  3. "As a reducing diet, it is superior in every way to any other system because it disolves and eliminates all types of fatty tissue." pg. 10
  4. "Nothing is required more for the body." pg. 21

These lines will become my manta as I embark on the lemonade cleanse diet!!!!

Only a few more days to get prepared...

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